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Celicia Shand, ELI-MP

Queen Afua!

Divine Guidance

“The price for freedom may be high, but the price that we pay for being imprisoned and cut off from the very root of our being is even higher.”

― Queen Afua, Sacred Woman: A Guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind, and Spirit

Yesterday, I had the honor of being in the presence of Queen Afua. Queen Afua has over 40 years experience as a holistic health practitioner and wellness coach. A pioneer in the green foods movement, Queen Afua is the author of 5 best-selling books, the creator of the Heal Thyself product line, Founder of Sacred Woman Rites Of Passage Program and CEO of the Queen Afua Wellness Center.

Queen Afua has devoted her life to fighting the overwhelmingly high rates of hysterectomies, fibroids, hypertension, and other diseases by teaching people how to understand and utilize the power of food, self-care, and holistic healthy choices as an empowering lifestyle.

Being in her presence was truly a divine experience. When we are navigating through life, sometimes we forget to reach out to our ancestors and those who are currently paving the path who came before us for Divine Guidance. Why continue to bump into a wall, when you can reach out to someone who has done the walk and the work to guide you?

I learned so much yesterday that really reminded me to continued down my path with my work. The better I get, the best I can serve you all. This journey isn't easy, but if we work together, we can each help each other get to where we want to go. Let's allow those who came before us to lift us as well climb to lift others.


There is 1 healer assigned to every family: This statement really brought chills in my body. Are you someone who feels like the outcast in your family? The only who are breaking cycles and doing things against the norm because you are tired of the damage it has been causing? You may be that chosen one. The journey to break those habits can be challenging. Ensure you find a community with like-minded people who can help you along the way. You are chosen for a reason and the world is ready to see your Light.

Faith, Focus, Follow-through: To truly be liberated we have to have faith, remain focus, and follow-through with our actions. Some of us may have the faith that we can achieve whatever we want, but lack focus. The toughest part is the follow-through. The follow-through portion is usually where the coach comes in. Many of us have faith and the focus but don't know how to follow through with consistency. When this is mastered, you have found the recipe for your liberation.

Your heart is as light as a feather: The goal is to keep your heart in this state. The art of letting things go. When we carry pain, grudges, and anger in our hearts, it makes our heart extremely heavy. Our goal is to keep our hearts feeling as light as a feather. When our heart is blocked, so is our minds. It holds us back from consciously creating the life we want to live.

Questions from your coach

1. Are you the healer assigned to your family?

2. How do you incorporate faith, focus, and follow-through in your daily life?

3. What condition is your heart in right now?

Hope this motivates you on this Monday morning! let me know your thoughts and feedback! If you would like to schedule a discovery session and work with me, select the link at the bottom of the newsletter.

Remember, never give up on yourself!

Have a Happy Monday

Laser Coaching Special

Currently, I am doing a summer promotion from July 8th to September 8th of "Unlimited 15 Minute Laser Coaching" sessions for a one-time payment of $198. This is less than $100/ month and a normal coaching package is $500/month. You won't find a better deal!

How it works:

  1. Make your 1-time payment of $198 to Zelle @info@continuedexpansion.com

  2. Schedule your 15-minute sessions on my calendar whenever you need to speak to me. (Limit 1 Call per day)

  3. Each call ends with an assignment to move you forward.

Yes, it is that simple. During our calls, we will get laser-focused on the blocks you are facing and find ways to move you forward. This will allow you to get a taste of what coaching can do for you in your life like all of the big celebrities, and move you forward towards your goals during the summer.

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